We are going to vote illegally.
We are going to create new statistics.
We are going to change the narrative in the coming elections.
Who can vote illegally?
Under voting age
Non-EU member countries
The original Intelligence Party from the 1830’s was headed by the poet J.S. Welhaven. His adversary was the poet H. Wergeland who headed The Patriots. These were the progenitors to Norway’s two first parliamentary parties, Intelligenspartiet became Høyre (The Right) and Patriotene became Venstre (The Left). They are both still in government today.
The two poets conducted a cultural political battle about the future of the Norwegian culture; do we need nationalist protectionism or do we need internationalist influence?
These questions have once again become the focus of elections in Europe.

Hvit mann proklamerer «I understand white people» i mangfoldig strøk. Kunst eller propaganda?