Bed Bug Formication

A single session night class about the extermination of imaginary bed bugs.

Thought to have been almost extinct for almost half a century, Norway is now starting to realize the effects of mass habitat migration.

Ekbom syndrome, and delusions of parasitosis is a strong delusional belief that you are infested with parasites, whereas in reality no such parasites are present.

Formication is the medical term for a sensation that resembles that of insects crawling on (or under) the skin. More rarely, susceptible individuals who fixate on the sensation may develop delusional parasitosis, becoming convinced that this sensation is being caused by actual insects, despite repeated reassurances from physicians, pest control experts, and entomologists.

The control freak knows that the cure is homeopathic. An abnormal need to control is controlled with more control, something the control freak should be very good at, but isn’t. There is still a great deal of confusion about how the disorder should be classified.

ATCE – A Temporary Collective Effort.

Non-profit initiative for performance art and art in the social.